Tablet Fitaly 5 - Character Reference

Character Index

For each character, the link indicates the panel on which it can be found. For characters that are both on a punctuation panel and on the number panel (such as @, =, and $), the punctuation panel is indicated as it only requires two taps.

Name Glyph Code Panel


acute accent ´ 180 Acute letter panel
ampersand & 38 Umlaut punctuation panel
apostrophe ' 39 Normal punctuation panel
asterisk * 42 Umlaut punctuation panel


back slash \ 92 Shifted punctuation panel
broken bar ¦ 166 Umlaut punctuation panel
bullet 149 Umlaut punctuation panel


capital letter A A 65 Shifted letter panel
capital letter A with acute Á 193 Acute shifted letter panel
capital letter A with circumflex  194 Circumflex shifted letter panel
capital letter A with grave À 192 Grave shifted letter panel
capital letter A with ring above Å 197 Grave punctuation panel
capital letter A with tilde à 195 Numbers shifted panel
capital letter A with umlaut Ä 196 Umlaut shifted letter panel
capital letter AE ligature Æ 198 Grave punctuation panel
capital letter B B 66 Shifted letter panel
capital letter C C 67 Shifted letter panel
capital letter C with cedilla Ç 199 Acute shifted letter panel
capital letter D D 68 Shifted letter panel
capital letter E E 69 Shifted letter panel
capital letter E with acute É 201 Acute shifted letter panel
capital letter E with circumflex Ê 202 Circumflex shifted letter panel
capital letter E with grave È 200 Grave shifted letter panel
capital letter E with umlaut Ë 203 Umlaut shifted letter panel
capital letter Eth Ð 208 Grave shifted letter panel
capital letter F F 70 Shifted letter panel
capital letter G G 71 Shifted letter panel
capital letter H H 72 Shifted letter panel
capital letter I I 73 Shifted letter panel
capital letter I with acute Í 205 Acute shifted letter panel
capital letter I with circumflex Î 206 Circumflex shifted letter panel
capital letter I with grave Ì 204 Grave shifted letter panel
capital letter I with umlaut Ï 207 Umlaut shifted letter panel
capital letter J J 74 Shifted letter panel
capital letter K K 75 Shifted letter panel
capital letter L L 76 Shifted letter panel
capital letter M M 77 Shifted letter panel
capital letter N N 78 Shifted letter panel
capital letter N with tilde Ñ 209 Umlaut shifted letter panel
capital letter O O 79 Shifted letter panel
capital letter O with acute Ó 211 Acute shifted letter panel
capital letter O with circumflex Ô 212 Circumflex shifted letter panel
capital letter O with grave Ò 210 Grave shifted letter panel
capital letter O with stroke Ø 216 Grave punctuation panel
capital letter O with tilde Õ 213 Numbers shifted panel
capital letter O with umlaut Ö 214 Umlaut shifted letter panel
capital letter OE ligature Π140 Grave punctuation panel
capital letter P P 80 Shifted letter panel
capital letter Q Q 81 Shifted letter panel
capital letter R R 82 Shifted letter panel
capital letter S with caron Š 138 Circumflex shifted letter panel
capital letter S S 83 Shifted letter panel
capital letter T T 84 Shifted letter panel
capital letter Thorn Þ 222 Grave shifted letter panel
capital letter U U 85 Shifted letter panel
capital letter U with acute Ú 218 Acute shifted letter panel
capital letter U with circumflex Û 219 Circumflex shifted letter panel
capital letter U with grave Ù 217 Grave shifted letter panel
capital letter U with umlaut Ü 220 Umlaut shifted letter panel
capital letter V V 86 Shifted letter panel
capital letter W W 87 Shifted letter panel
capital letter X X 88 Shifted letter panel
capital letter Y Y 89 Shifted letter panel
capital letter Y with acute Ý 221 Acute shifted letter panel
capital letter Y with umlaut Ÿ 159 Umlaut shifted letter panel
capital letter Z Z 90 Shifted letter panel
capital letter Z with caron Ž 142 Circumflex shifted letter panel
caret ^ 94 Circumflex letter panel
cedilla ¸ 184 Acute shifted letter panel
cent sign ¢ 162 Acute punctuation panel
circumflex accent ˆ 136 Circumflex shifted letter panel
colon : 58 Normal punctuation panel
comma , 44 Normal punctuation panel
command key 157 Acute punctuation panel
commercial at @ 64 Umlaut punctuation panel
copyright sign © 169 Acute punctuation panel
currency sign ¤ 164 Number panel


dagger 134 Numbers shifted panel
degree sign ° 176 Acute letter panel
digit eight 8 56 Number panel
digit five 5 53 Number panel
digit four 4 52 Number panel
digit nine 9 57 Number panel
digit one 1 49 Number panel
digit seven 7 55 Number panel
digit six 6 54 Number panel
digit three 3 51 Number panel
digit two 2 50 Number panel
digit zero 0 48 Number panel
division sign ÷ 247 Number panel
dollar sign $ 36 Acute punctuation panel
double dagger 135 Numbers shifted panel
double low quotation mark 132 Numbers shifted panel


ellipsis 133 Numbers shifted panel
em dash 151 Grave punctuation panel
en dash 150 Grave punctuation panel
equals sign = 61 Umlaut punctuation panel
euro sign 128 Acute punctuation panel
exclamation mark ! 33 Normal punctuation panel


feminine ordinal indicator ª 170 Numbers shifted panel
forward slash / 47 Normal punctuation panel
fraction one half ½ 189 Numbers shifted panel
fraction one quarter ¼ 188 Numbers shifted panel
fraction three quarters ¾ 190 Numbers shifted panel
full stop . 46 Normal punctuation panel


grave accent ` 96 Grave letter panel
greater-than sign > 62 Circumflex punctuation panel


hash mark # 35 Umlaut punctuation panel
horizontal ellipsis 133 Numbers shifted panel
hyphen - 45 Normal punctuation panel


inverted exclamation mark ¡ 161 Shifted punctuation panel
inverted question mark ¿ 191 Shifted punctuation panel


left chevron « 171 Circumflex punctuation panel
left curly bracket { 123 Circumflex punctuation panel
left double quotation mark 147 Shifted punctuation panel
left parenthesis ( 40 Normal punctuation panel
left single quotation mark 145 Shifted punctuation panel
left square bracket [ 91 Circumflex punctuation panel
less-than sign < 60 Circumflex punctuation panel


macron ¯ 175 Numbers shifted panel
masculine ordinal indicator º 186 Numbers shifted panel
micro sign µ 181 Umlaut letter panel
middle dot · 183 Numbers shifted panel
minus sign - 45 Normal punctuation panel
multiplication sign × 215 Number panel


non-breaking space   160 Numbers shifted panel
not sign ¬ 172 Numbers shifted panel
number sign # 35 Umlaut punctuation panel


paragraph sign 182 Acute punctuation panel
period . 46 Normal punctuation panel
per mille sign 137 Numbers shifted panel
percent sign % 37 Umlaut punctuation panel
plus sign + 43 Umlaut punctuation panel
plus-minus sign ± 177 Numbers shifted panel
pound sign £ 163 Acute punctuation panel


question mark ? 63 Normal punctuation panel
quotation mark " 34 Shifted punctuation panel


registered sign ® 174 Acute punctuation panel
right chevron » 187 Circumflex punctuation panel
right curly bracket } 125 Circumflex punctuation panel
right double quotation mark 148 Shifted punctuation panel
right parenthesis ) 41 Normal punctuation panel
right single quotation mark 146 Shifted punctuation panel
right square bracket ] 93 Circumflex punctuation panel


section sign § 167 Acute punctuation panel
semicolon ; 59 Shifted punctuation panel
sharp sign # 35 Umlaut punctuation panel
shortcut key 158 Acute punctuation panel
single left-pointing
    angle quotation mark
139 Circumflex punctuation panel
single low quotation mark 130 Numbers shifted panel
single right-pointing
    angle quotation mark
155 Circumflex punctuation panel
small letter a a 97 Normal letter panel
small letter a with acute á 225 Acute letter panel
small letter a with circumflex â 226 Circumflex letter panel
small letter a with grave à 224 Grave letter panel
small letter a with ring above å 229 Grave punctuation panel
small letter a with tilde ã 227 Numbers shifted panel
small letter a with umlaut ä 228 Umlaut letter panel
small letter ae ligature æ 230 Grave punctuation panel
small letter b b 98 Normal letter panel
small letter c c 99 Normal letter panel
small letter c with cedilla ç 231 Acute letter panel
small letter d d 100 Normal letter panel
small letter e e 101 Normal letter panel
small letter e with acute é 233 Acute letter panel
small letter e with circumflex ê 234 Circumflex letter panel
small letter e with grave è 232 Grave letter panel
small letter e with umlaut ë 235 Umlaut letter panel
small letter eth ð 240 Grave letter panel
small letter f f 102 Normal letter panel
small letter f with hook ƒ 131 Numbers shifted panel
small letter g g 103 Normal letter panel
small letter h h 104 Normal letter panel
small letter i i 105 Normal letter panel
small letter i with acute í 237 Acute letter panel
small letter i with circumflex î 238 Circumflex letter panel
small letter i with grave ì 236 Grave letter panel
small letter i with umlaut ï 239 Umlaut letter panel
small letter j j 106 Normal letter panel
small letter k k 107 Normal letter panel
small letter l l 108 Normal letter panel
small letter m m 109 Normal letter panel
small letter n n 110 Normal letter panel
small letter n with tilde ñ 241 Umlaut letter panel
small letter o with acute ó 243 Acute letter panel
small letter o o 111 Normal letter panel
small letter o with circumflex ô 244 Circumflex letter panel
small letter o with grave ò 242 Grave letter panel
small letter o with stroke ø 248 Grave punctuation panel
small letter o with tilde õ 245 Numbers shifted panel
small letter o with umlaut ö 246 Umlaut letter panel
small letter oe ligature œ 156 Grave punctuation panel
small letter p p 112 Normal letter panel
small letter q q 113 Normal letter panel
small letter r r 114 Normal letter panel
small letter s with caron š 154 Circumflex letter panel
small letter s s 115 Normal letter panel
small letter sz ligature ß 223 Umlaut letter panel
small letter t t 116 Normal letter panel
small letter thorn þ 254 Grave letter panel
small letter u u 117 Normal letter panel
small letter u with acute ú 250 Acute letter panel
small letter u with circumflex û 251 Circumflex letter panel
small letter u with grave ù 249 Grave letter panel
small letter u with umlaut ü 252 Umlaut letter panel
small letter v v 118 Normal letter panel
small letter w w 119 Normal letter panel
small letter x x 120 Normal letter panel
small letter y y 121 Normal letter panel
small letter y with acute ý 253 Acute letter panel
small letter y with umlaut ÿ 255 Umlaut letter panel
small letter z with caron ž 158 Circumflex letter panel
small letter z z 122 Normal letter panel
small tilde ˜ 152 Umlaut shifted letter panel
soft hyphen - 173 Numbers shifted panel
space 32 Normal letter panel
superscript one ¹ 185 Numbers shifted panel
superscript three ³ 179 Numbers shifted panel
superscript two ² 178 Numbers shifted panel


tilde ~ 126 Umlaut letter panel
trade mark sign 153 Acute punctuation panel


umlaut ¨ 168 Umlaut letter panel
underscore _ 95 Shifted punctuation panel


vertical bar | 124 Umlaut punctuation panel


yen sign ¥ 165 Acute punctuation panel



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